Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summer Bucket List

Randomly thinking about bucket lists and the idea of them, and decided I wanted to create one specifically for this summer. One of the first ones I thought about was blogging at least twice over the summer, so why not make a blog post about my bucket list?? (But I'm going to try not to count this as one of my two ;))

Summer of 2012 Bucket List:

- Finish 3 books (any suggestions appreciated!)

- Write my old daycare teacher, Miss Susan, a letter. Need to keep in communication with that wonderful person more- she had a huge impact on my life!

- Go fishing.

- Cook a meal in my crock pot once a week.

- Visit the Drive-In theater a few times...Take Grace to see one!

- Go to the zoo and (finally) see the new elephant exhibit.

- Have a house warming party for mi new casa!

And that about sums it up! Might as well do a quick recap on life lately- finished another semester (only one year left of school!), been doing a lot of fun wedding stuff for my best friend, Addie's, upcoming wedding, moved to OKC in a super cute house that I love, and anxiously awaiting vacation with Cameron's family to OBX, North Carolina! Also, thanks to his sister Coty, I've recently discovered the blogger iPhone app! So, I know that will help ensure I make my goal of two blog posts this summer, and a blog post about vacation is something I could do on the drive back!

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