Thursday, July 7, 2011

Spa Night and July 4th..

So, let's start with Spa Night.

The night before we went to celebrate 4th of July in Stilly with their dad, I stayed the night with Cameron's sister Candice to do a spa night with her and her daughters, Scout (10), Mattie (9), and Lilly(3). Let's just say, I learned something very important from this experience...and I have a temporary hate for bananas. But we'll get to that later...
So, the night started with the hair mask!
-2 tablespoons of olive oil
-1 banana
-1 tablespoon of honey
-1 egg
-2 teaspoons of plain organic yogurt (be sure to skip the flavored stuff!)

The directions we were given:
1. Mix all ingredients together
2. Apply on hair and cover with shower cap
3. Leave on for one hour
4. Shampoo and style as usual
Here are a few pictures of us looking pre-tty fancy in our shower caps.

Next were the facial masks!
-1 tablespoon of oatmeal, finely grounded
-1 tablespoon of plain, organic yogurt
-A few drops of honey

1. Mix the oatmeal and the yogurt together in a small bowl
2. Add the honey, mix again
3. Apply mask to face, leave on for 10 minutes, wash off with warm water

Top left: Scout; Top right: Lilly;
Bottom left: Mattie; Bottom right: Lilly and Scout relaxingTop left: Candice; Top right: Me
Bottom left: Lilly and Scout; Bottom right: Lilly

Alright, time for the lessons learned:
When doing the facial mask, be sure to warm it up first. Or else you feel like you are putting on a slimy, grimy, cold slather on your face! Not very relaxing at all. If you'll notice, Lilly doesn't have that much on her face because she could barely stand the feeling! Poor girl was shaking like a leaf lol
Aaand now for the hair mask lesson. *sigh* Okay, remember where it mentioned the bananas? Yeah, be sure to REALLY make sure they are completely liquidfied. As in, be sure to purée. Otherwise, you'll run into the problem we did: Small banana chunks stuck in your hair. One would think they would come out fairly easily, but oh no. Poor Scout has this beautiful naturally curly hair and I spent about an hour on her head alone trying to get it all out. And myself, I probably ripped out about half of my hair trying to get it out! Its funny now- not so hilarious then. But, now we have a good memory to go along with it. :)Left: Scout's hair with the banana; Middle: The tub with only half of the banana pieces from my hair alone; Right: My hair with the banana

4th of July!
For the fourth, I spent the evening with Cameron and his family at his dad's house in Stillwater. It was a bittersweet occasion, because his dad, step-mom, and younger brother and sister are moving to Wisconsin at the end of the month. But it was such a great time, everyone had a ball! There was delish smoked chicken, a major water fight followed by a silly string fight, watermelon, then later time for talking and simply enjoying the evening with family. In total, I believe there were about 19 people there in a full house! But it was completely comfortable...and I love that they already make me feel like part of the family. (If any of you are reading, thank you for that!! <3)Two of Cameron's beautiful nieces, Scout and AdelineLet the water fight begin!!Smiles everywhere!
Catherine and Mattie attacking Cameron!CHARGE!
Grandpa Brent getting in on the water fight action!My favorite picture from the evening...water crashing as it meets in the middle from opposing sides. What makes it even cooler is its girl vs boy, sister(Scout) vs brother(Gunner)!The water fight gang! Love how Samuel (far right) is shooting off his gun...makes me wish now that I would've taken a picture with everyone shooting off their guns at the same time!
Adeline looooved the watermelon...Lilly liked it too! Double fisting it!Grandma Sue showing some of the kids old pictures of their parents
Cameron and his sweet little sister, Catherine
Some good-bye hugs...
(Grandpa Brent and Mattie)

Like previously stated, it was a seriously great night. Hoping the next large get together is sooner rather than later!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Worst blogger ever? Yeah, that's me..

Well, months ago I promised a 4 part blog post about our trip to NYC. Obviously, that didn't happen. I blame school. But to give the highlights: Had a bird poop on my face (LOL), had the best italian food and dessert (Serendipity's "Frrrozen Hot Chocolate"), I feel in love with NYC and I can't wait to go back!

What has been happening in the last few months? Not too much comes to mind but I know there has been a lot! Here is what comes to mind, though: my Grandma's huge and successful birthday in March. So many of her friends and our family came out- amazing. One of my cousin's graduated high school, another is becoming a dad, and my best friend found her wedding dress! (which was so fun to go shopping for, she is gonna look stunning on her big day!) And this last month was filled with birthday parties! Two of Cameron's nieces had birthdays (one of which was a family softball game- so fun to play again...but man I was SORE!) and my adorable nephew turned 2!

What is to come? Well, my birthday is in 11 days...pretty stoked about that. :) About to start another summer class, Cameron's sister's baby shower (which thanks to Coty and their mom, it's gonna be amazing!), I'll have three weeks off in August then it'll be time to start another fall semester! Speaking of fall, I'm more than ready for it to come. Bring on the cooler weather, football, holidays, and pretty leaves/trees.

I've decided that this will be my last effort at maintaining a blog...if I can't do it, it's just not meant to be! This weekend I'm doing a spa night with Cameron's sister and the nieces I mentioned before and spending the 4th with his family...going to try to do blog post about that or at least my birthday...we'll see!