Tuesday, January 26, 2010


My dream camera!!!!! Nikon D90..

One of these days, I will visit the London Eye

I think dead trees are one of the most beautiful things made by God.

Seems like forever ago...thankful for those years.
(Thanks for the pic, Kristin :) )

Miss these guys!!

Oh how I wish I could be back here again!!

An oldie, but had such a great time on that trip...

Isn't he so handsome??????

So, I have been itching to update this again. And throughout my day I will have ideas that come to mind to talk about, but as soon as I log in to write about them, I go blank. I guess you could call that writers block, but luckily I am just trying to come up with a new blog post that probably averages about 3 readers. ;) I can't imagine trying to write a actual book or song (Kudos to you, Ty!! :) ).

Since yet again I have come up with nothing to talk about, this will be a photo blog post. Posted are random pictures I just went through and found on my computer quickly. Hope you enjoyed them! Next blog will be better, promise. :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Let's Give This A Whirl..

Approximately 42 minutes ago, I posted on my Twitter account that I may start a blog. 42 minutes ago, that was just a random thought. Now, it has turned into to an action. Will I share this blog with the world? I have yet to decide. But if you are reading this, then obviously I have.

What to talk about on my first ever blog entry? Certainly it needs to be something inspiring. But, nothing quite inspiring comes when you simply want or ask it too, right? So this blog, along with many in the future I presume, will be a simple and boring unleashing of words of whatever might be on my mind at the moment.

What is on my mind? Well, it is actually a movie I just went to see: "Leap Year." This movie was your standard chick flick. Starting with a meet-cute, (Thank you "The Holiday" for providing me with that term) the falling in love throughout the main part of the movie, a little bit of drama at the end, and then (*drum roll, please....*) the big kiss that fixes everything and they live together happily ever after. Seeing my fair share of non-lasting relationships (only a handful of my own, and two handfuls and then some of my mothers), one would think I am not a fan of these kind of movies. But oooh no, quite the opposite. I LOVE chick flicks. Am I skeptical of love, count on getting my heartbroken a few more times in life, and will wait until I am 90 years old to have my dream wedding to my Prince Charming if it takes me THAT long to find him? Yes, of course. But these chick flicks give me a thrill and hope that I may have a story like that too, soonish, and that love WILL prevail in the end.

In the movie, the two main characters stumble upon an Irish wedding. During the reception, the bride gives a speech to her new husband. It went something like this (going off of memory here, so this will not be exact): "May you never steal, lie, or cheat. But if you steal, I hope you will steal my sorrows. If you lie, I hope you will lie with me every night for the rest of my life. And if you shall cheat, I pray that you cheat death." Wow. I LIVE for quotes like that. So romantic! That is what I like to call a "heart grabbing quote." If you're a girl, I guarantee you you have had one of these in your life. You may not recall it immediately, but I bet you've had one. Its when something grabs your heart strings so hard, that your hand involuntarily flies to your heart. Anyway, these happen for me often and I am thankful that after the many heartbreaks I've seen and the one or two I've endured myself, that my heart strings still enjoy the occasional pull.

The end of my first ever blog. :)