Friday, October 22, 2010

Pumpkin Patch!

It's Fall break...and I'm enjoying it by spending a few days in Tulsa with my sister, brother-in-law, niece, and nephew!
Yesterday I went with Miranda and the kiddos to a pumpkin first visit to one! And let me tell ya, I never knew there were so many different kinds and colors! Not to mention, HUGE ones! Here are a few photos from the fun trip :) (I had a hey-day with all the picture opportunities! It was fun!)They are just too cute :)
Weird lookin..HudsonGrace
Sportin the Levi overalls..:)Little Farmer Boy!!Family!Pretty tree!Not sure what sort of thing this was attached to, but it sure looks cool!Petting Zoo time!Hud loved it!!Mario and Luigi came out! Haha!Love her. So much.
Him too!!!Pumpkins, Pumpkins, everywhere..LOVED all the corn and different colors.Craziness...

It was a really good time, and I hope making it out to a pumpkin patch will become a yearly thing for me!

The rest of my plans for fall break consist of going to see my best friend in Stillwater for homecoming (particularly Walk eyes are guaranteed to be hurting the whole time, being surrounded by all that orange...;) ), watching the Sooners play with the fam Saturday night, and on Sunday, church and hopefully seeing an old friend!
Next blog will be after the Halloween party my boyfriend and I are going to...prepare yourself for fun and frightful pictures of a good time and costumes....mwuahahaha!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A weekend packed with some things I love about fall...

The first weekend of October was good to me. I got to do things that I realized all sum up to being some of my most favorite things about the wonderful season of fall along with a couple of new ones! Let us start with Friday, shall we?

Friday my wonderful boyfriend treated us to our very first massages. WOW. If I could afford it, that is something that I would have done every week. My goodness, talk about being relaxed! I haven't felt that good in quite sometime. We had an appointment at IHC, Integrative Health Center, where Sandi and Charissa pampered us for an hour. If you've never had a massage before, it is something I highly recommend. Later that evening we went and saw Cameron's roommate's band play, 86 After, at the Diamond Ballroom! day with friends and family! OU vs Texas, also known as Red River Rivalry. And who came out on top? The Sooners!! 28-20 my friends. Yes sir. Cameron and I went to a couple of watch parties, one being at one of his best friends, Joey's, house and then the other being at my distant cousin and good family friend's house, Mark's.
Joey's girlfriend, Kristin, and I during one of the time-outs!

My beautiful niece, Grace and myself at Mark'. I was so happy that they came down and that I was able to see the Kellers!The tailgating bus out in front of Mark's place. Notice the flat screen at the bottom of it!Little Hudson has better thins to do than watch the OU game ;)"Pssh Aunt Stayce, I ain't gonna take a picture with you! I've got dirt to play in.."My pretty sister and IMy handsome boyfriend. :)Big sister, little brother love. I am blessed with a seriously cute niece and nephew.My brother-in-law, Bryan and my sister, MirandaThis is above Joey's front porch...legit.
Sunday, Cameron and I went to church and after I tried making my mom's wonderful Cowboy Stew! She's been making it for years, definitely a favorite fall dish for family. Cameron was my guinea pig for my first batch, and I think it turned out well!
Stewing away...mmmhmmm...success! :)
It was a great weekend and I look forward to many more this fall. What are some of your favorite things to do in the fall? Favorite dishes to eat? Please share! I'd love to hear them and try a few out! :)