Sunday, March 13, 2011

New York City...Part 1/4!

So last weekend Cameron and I along with our friends Joey and Kristin got to visit the Big Apple. Now, let me start off by saying just one weekend in that huge city is not nearly enough! But it was still SO fun. So this is part one of the New York posts (if I crammed it all into one it would be entirely too long!)

Thursday night: Our flight got into NYC around 5:00pm. The trip immediately started off interesting! Upon walking out of the airport to find a taxi to take us to the hotel, a man approached Joey telling him that he could give us a ride. So we start to follow him, and doing so we bypass all the taxis....and start walking to the parking lot. Kristin and I immediately start dragging our feet and I'm sending Cameron the "what the heck?!" look. The guy saw our hesitation and showed us all of his taxi...credentials? Not sure what the right word for it is but he showed us his license and a small "NYC Taxi" sticker-license thing taped up on his window. Still hesitant, we climbed in the car and Kristin pulled up Maps on her iPhone to make sure he wasn't taking us anywhere else. Lol! But, it all ended up being fine, he was a really nice guy and we actually called him to take us back to the airport on our last day. ;)

The view flying in! :)
The lovely welcome sign we received...

Kristin had done some research of places to try while we were there, and found a really neat place called Jeykll & Hyde. We went to eat there after getting checked in to our hotel and it was a lot of fun! They have a "butler" that is in full character that would come approach us and say funny things, and he would also go to the back and control all of the things that would take place on the walls of the restaurant. There was a huge rhinoceros next to us, a werewolf, a gargoyle, a mad scientist...all of which he could control and use to talk to us. We were the only people in the restaurant, so we got a lot of attention! ;)After we left there we went to Magnolia Bakery to get some cupcakes! And they were gooood. (They had GREAT hot chocolate, too!!!)
Friday: We started the day off with some Starbucks across the street from the hotel and then headed to Times Square! I loved Times Square. So bright and colorful and lots of shops! :) And on the walk there we got to pass a lot of the theaters where they have many of the Broadway shows!! (I have a great love for Broadway shows/musicals. Sadly, we didn't get to see one this trip. But next one for sure!)Kristin, Joey, Cameron, and I (barely got myself in there!)(MY FAVORITE. Cameron took me to see it when it came through Oklahoma a while back, and it was absolutely amazing.)We stopped in at M&M World!
We had O'Lunney's for lunch...mmmm.

After O'Lunney's, we got on the subway and headed to Ground Zero. I don't know quite what I was expecting, but my heart was definitely not prepared for all the things I saw. Being there made what happen even more real to me than it was before, and it was hard to see and even attempt to put myself in the many shoes of the people involved. The people on the planes, the NYPD, firefighters, the families of those who passed, the volunteers, citizens of NYC...My heart hurt the entire time. A very somber experience.
The new World Trade Center being builtWhat Ground Zero currently looks like..
Memorial AlterWhat it should look like after everything is built.

Well that concludes post numero uno! The next one will be about the NJ Devils vs Pittsburgh Penguins hockey game! Which was SO fun! People treat hockey up there like the South does football! So keep your eye out for New York City...Part 2/4! :)