Sunday, December 30, 2012


SO, last Friday night I was taken by complete surprise...Cameron proposed!! I, nor anyone else in the room, had any idea that it was coming! This is how it all went down...

A little back story: 
Cameron and I have twitter accounts, and I get his tweets along with some other people that I follow as text messages to my phone. Well, while getting off work one night I saw these weird tweets coming from Cameron's account that didn't make sense. They were pretty much describing something that he hadn't seen yet, and that if "it's" done in time, when/where he'd give it. I knew that he was talking to someone about something and probably didn't realize that he was posting it as a regular tweet. So, I asked him about it and he just kind of brushed it off. I assumed it must've been about a Christmas gift or something, and since he acted so nonchalant about it I didn't think much into it. Apparently this actually had him freaking out because it was about the ring! So he said he tried to think of a way to correct that accident. He knew there was a local artist that I favored, and told me on Christmas Eve that he had gotten an email about a gift of mine that wouldn't be ready until the end of the year. He told me it was supposed to be a painting done by this artist, but that they were taking a while and they weren't really communicating with him well, and that it was what the tweets were about. I found this hilarious because I had actually gotten a custom painting done for HIM as a Christmas gift, and I thought it was so awesome that we both thought of the same thing!! 

*CUT TO CAM* Okay, this is her fantastic fiance! :o) Just to kind of fill you in  - the elaborate plan was to convince Stayce that her painting was delayed, all the while; she had no painting coming. So, when I opened my Christmas painting, and realized it was from the SAME ARTIST I had used for my made-up story, I freaked! The whole time I was telling her about how there was a communication break down, and the painter was so swamped because of the holidays that she had to bump my painting back until after the first of the year. I feel horrible now because Meg Deb is a fantastic artist, very creative, and very prompt. Stayce learned all of these things working with her directly. Sorry Meg:o( The painting she commissioned for me is beautiful and if you are not familiar with the local artist Meg Deb you should totally check her out. I carried on the rigamarole anyway. I needed the time for the ring to be completed by the jeweler and now my proposal needed to take a turn. I shot an idea to my little sister Coty as follows; Well, I have "painted" myself into a corner, I think I may have to "paint' myself out! I had two days before the weekend of the proposal to make something happen. I plugged up my phone, YouTube'd the heck out of how-to paint using acrylics, and ran down to my local craft store to pick up supplies. It was time to put my art skills to the test! I worked on two separate canvases and I will let Stayce take it back from here.....

So we're at his mom's house playing dirty santa (no one knows that Cameron is going to propose other than his brother Colton) and Cameron had previously asked Colton to bring in the wrapped canvases. I get handed the first canvas: 

 Still thinking we're playing dirty santa and this is a gift his brother brought, we're all admiring it and I barely pay attention to the words on the back. And then Colton says that the other box (which was much larger than this one) goes with this gift so I think that it must be some type of easel or something to hold up the canvas I had just unwrapped. I hand it off to Cam to unwrap it for me, and he is giving me some serious attitude about it. Ha! It was obvious that he did not want to unwrap it so I said "Fine! Give it to me and I'll do it." Well, I start to open the box and there was a ripped up Crest Supermarket sack at the top. I think to myself, "Wait a minute, there aren't any Crest stores near Colton??" I then removed the tissue beneath it to find the second canvas: 

And theeeen it all started to come together when I saw this one. I looked at Cam, saw him pull a little red box out of his pocket and began to stand. And I started to cry happy, shocked tears. :') He pulled me up and once I was standing he got down on one knee and asked that wonderful question, "Stayce, will you marry me?" I personally don't quite remember even being able to spit out "Yes!" but I'm pretty sure I resembled a bobblehead and he slipped the ring on.

(Thank you, Candice, for the right-after pics!!)
And there you have it! :) We are so, so excited to be engaged (finally, might I add ;) ) and are looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together. Thank you to everyone who has congratulated us and shared such sweet words with us!